On Snowflakes

Conservative political supporters have come up with a new, derogatory name for those who disagree with them: Snowflakes. Conservatives view dissenters as “weak” and easily broken. Because of their “delicate” nature, they are likened to snowflakes.

As if being “strong” (which never lasts) is the be-all, end-all of life.

As if looking and sounding just like everyone else is the beautiful goal.

Snow may be delicate, and what’s wrong with that? Snow is beautiful! Snow is magical! Snowflakes dance, snowflakes bring joy and pleasure, snowflakes are fun! Winter is a total drag without snow, and our favorite winter movies, songs, and memories (even for conservatives) are all centered around white Christmas’s, sledding, and raucous snowball fights. My happiest thoughts of snow revolve around winter mornings, when all the snowflakes sparkle in the early light. I love hearing the crunching sound of boots on packed snow. But snow can also be powerful.


When winter comes, and cold winds howl and chill too deeply, that is when snowflakes are flung about. They do not melt then, they do not break. They sting, they blind, they pile up and block traffic, work, and school. Deep snow is hard to get around in and hard to move. Still, the hardest snow is best for sledding and skiing.

Snow is only delicate in hot weather, which only lasts for a season. And winter is coming.

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Published by Loura Shares A Story

Loura Lawrence is a tireless, creative entrepreneur specializing in media, communications, and the arts. She holds a Liberal Arts degree in English with a background in photojournalism, and is passionate about education, public policy reform, and women's issues. www.RamblingSoapbox.com

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