The Truth About the Opioid Crisis

I’m resharing this article I wrote 3 years ago. 3 years and things have only gotten worse. The facts need to come out now, more than ever before. People are dying!

See also: An Open Letter to Dr. Kolodny, A Rock and a Hard Place, and Strangulation on Medicine

The Midwest Courier

Previously titled, “On Opioids: America’s Drug Addictions and the Wacky Laws that Perpetuate Them.”vintage heroinTwo years ago, a little silver car sat parked outside our home. As the sun was going down an ambulance, police cruiser, and firetruck suddenly arrived to pull an unconscious young woman with a bobbing ponytail out from the driver side of the car. A bottle of heroin had been found next to her. I never saw that young woman again, and the police came to impound her car a few days later.

Last July, I sat in the small chapel at a local funeral home staring at the body of my husband’s cousin. Only 29 years old, living less than a mile from our house, married and a daddy-to-be, and there he lay in an open coffin looking sound asleep. After months of staying clean he had found a dealer in the apartment complex he…

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Published by Loura Shares A Story

Loura Lawrence is a tireless, creative entrepreneur specializing in media, communications, and the arts. She holds a Liberal Arts degree in English with a background in photojournalism, and is passionate about education, public policy reform, and women's issues.

6 thoughts on “The Truth About the Opioid Crisis

  1. LOURA, thank you so much for all of research and anaylsis of the information you obtained on Kolodny. This man knows the devil and I hope I am able to somehow make an impact to help the pain patient community. Its like a genocide. Officials must know that suboxone is being used on the street to get high. So sad that people want power and money at the expense of others. Makes me continue to ask myself..why are we here. Thanks again and I hope you are well.

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