We Need to Talk about Rape

*Special Note: I try to include images in my blog posts to help illustrate points for readers, and because I am a visual learner. However, there were no true images I could use for this post, because there are no depictions of rape, either in classic art or modern culture, that are not sanitized fantasies.ContinueContinue reading “We Need to Talk about Rape”

I Have Cancer

It’s a frightening thing to say; to admit. And on Valentine’s Day 2019, I learned at my local ER that I have cancer. Chronic myeloid leukemia, to be precise. The same cancer that killed my husband’s grandmother; a version of the cancer that plagues my grandmother now; a cancer that allegedly isn’t hereditary; a cancerContinueContinue reading “I Have Cancer”

Mansplaining is the Biggest Threat to Women’s Healthcare

“You think you have mastered it, but just as you get well underway in following, it turns a back –somersault and there you are. It slaps you in the face, knocks you down, and tramples upon you. It is like a bad dream.” A Young Charlotte Perkins Gilman Just as it was in 1892, whenContinueContinue reading “Mansplaining is the Biggest Threat to Women’s Healthcare”

Pro-Life Arguments about Late Term Abortion Miss the Mark

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfdRmnT0Weo In the wake of the last United States Presidential debate on Wednesday, the subject of abortion and a woman’s right to choose was one emotional issue. The popular topic hasn’t lost any followers or comments this week, as bloggers, journalists, and political pundits have taken the perennial debate online. “Late term abortion” is anContinueContinue reading “Pro-Life Arguments about Late Term Abortion Miss the Mark”

The Ideology of Underage Marriages in Conservative Christianity

A Teen by Definition is Not “Mature” *Little disclaimer: By “mature” I mean as physically developed and/or experienced in life as adults. I am not referring to responsibility, which many teens are better at than some adults.  I was just 16 but I knew it was love, and my boyfriend, also 16, and I secretlyContinueContinue reading “The Ideology of Underage Marriages in Conservative Christianity”