We Need to Talk about Rape

*Special Note: I try to include images in my blog posts to help illustrate points for readers, and because I am a visual learner. However, there were no true images I could use for this post, because there are no depictions of rape, either in classic art or modern culture, that are not sanitized fantasies.ContinueContinue reading “We Need to Talk about Rape”

Mansplaining is the Biggest Threat to Women’s Healthcare

“You think you have mastered it, but just as you get well underway in following, it turns a back –somersault and there you are. It slaps you in the face, knocks you down, and tramples upon you. It is like a bad dream.” A Young Charlotte Perkins Gilman Just as it was in 1892, whenContinueContinue reading “Mansplaining is the Biggest Threat to Women’s Healthcare”

Does Buprenorphine Really ‘Save Lives’?

Legal disclaimer: Nothing in this post is meant to be construed as medical advice. I am not a physician or pharmacist. Discuss any medications, changes, or questions you might have with your medical provider. Do not suddenly stop any medication unless under the direct guidance of a medical provider. Today was a weird day. WhatContinueContinue reading “Does Buprenorphine Really ‘Save Lives’?”

PROPaganda, Part 2 of 2

A 2018 documentary called, “Do No Harm: An Opioid Epidemic,” featuring Dr. Andrew Kolodny (to whom I recently wrote an open letter) and “working closely with Dr. Kolodny and PROP“, is a classic propaganda film that’s been influencing a lot of viewers and, therefore, a lot of lives. I viewed this film a few nightsContinueContinue reading “PROPaganda, Part 2 of 2”

PROPaganda, Part 1 of 2

Addiction is, indeed, a terrible thing, and I am glad to see it being recognized, less stigmatized, and more genuine help offered to those struggling. But agenda-driven propaganda will not help those with addiction, in fact it has already been shown to cause harm to both addicts and chronic pain patients…