An Open Letter to Dr. Andrew Kolodny

Update 6/27/18: I am overwhelmed by the positive responses I have received for this letter. I would ask that readers also take a look at all the articles and references cited in this piece, and share those as well. Those references go into much, much more detail and research than I have had space orContinueContinue reading “An Open Letter to Dr. Andrew Kolodny”

Strangulation on Medicine: My Life as a Pain Patient

What is life like as a pain patient in America? I invite you to take a walk in my shoes.

The Ideology of Underage Marriages in Conservative Christianity

A Teen by Definition is Not “Mature” *Little disclaimer: By “mature” I mean as physically developed and/or experienced in life as adults. I am not referring to responsibility, which many teens are better at than some adults.  I was just 16 but I knew it was love, and my boyfriend, also 16, and I secretlyContinueContinue reading “The Ideology of Underage Marriages in Conservative Christianity”

On Tragedies: When Society Grieves

It happened again this week and sent the nation reeling. Violence; evil; the death of innocents. I am referring to the Virginia shooting of two reporters and a councilwoman interviewee, by a former, disgruntled employee of the reporter and cameraman’s network. There are countless other tragedies I might reference as well.  Two people were killedContinueContinue reading “On Tragedies: When Society Grieves”