Bringing Back Child Labor?

An international friend brought a horrifying article to my attention over the weekend. It did not involve terrorism, Syria, the Standing Rock fiasco, or even Harambe. It was far more subtle a subject, far more insidious, and based on many misconceptions and quiet propaganda. The article was originally called, Bring Back Child Labor, until theContinueContinue reading “Bringing Back Child Labor?”

Pro-Life Arguments about Late Term Abortion Miss the Mark In the wake of the last United States Presidential debate on Wednesday, the subject of abortion and a woman’s right to choose was one emotional issue. The popular topic hasn’t lost any followers or comments this week, as bloggers, journalists, and political pundits have taken the perennial debate online. “Late term abortion” is anContinueContinue reading “Pro-Life Arguments about Late Term Abortion Miss the Mark”

War! What is it Good For?

Peace, love and understanding; Is there no place for them today? They say we must fight to keep our freedom, but Lord knows there’s got to be a better way.  – Edwin Starr, War I was watching a documentary on diets the other night when a European doctor quipped, “Americans love to have an enemy.”ContinueContinue reading “War! What is it Good For?”

The Man Behind the Curtain

As my husband and I discussed the news about Rowan County Kentucky clerk, Kim Davis, who refused to obey the law she vowed to uphold as an elected government official, two main thoughts popped into my head. First, it is a complete travesty of government that she could not be fired for failure to doContinueContinue reading “The Man Behind the Curtain”

The Ideology of Underage Marriages in Conservative Christianity

A Teen by Definition is Not “Mature” *Little disclaimer: By “mature” I mean as physically developed and/or experienced in life as adults. I am not referring to responsibility, which many teens are better at than some adults.  I was just 16 but I knew it was love, and my boyfriend, also 16, and I secretlyContinueContinue reading “The Ideology of Underage Marriages in Conservative Christianity”