An Open Letter to Ohio Leaders Concerning the Opioid Crisis

Dear Ohio Leaders,   Last night I voted via absentee ballot, as I have done for the past 3 years since my disability (which impairs my strength, stamina, and mobility) began. I was pleased to see that every leader running for office mentioned their deep and sincere concerns regarding the opioid crisis, which has hitContinue reading "An Open Letter to Ohio Leaders Concerning the Opioid Crisis"

America’s Codependency Problem

Personal responsibility. There is a crisis-level lack of it in modern American culture. Perhaps the biggest problem is all those who view themselves as mini-saviors or white knights, tripping over themselves to be responsible for others. That is an unhealthy mental/behavioral/relationship condition called, “codependency,” in which one party maintains a narcissistic attitude about the relationshipContinue reading "America’s Codependency Problem"

Diverse Reading: Why You Should Not Choose Protagonists Who Look Like You

People ask online all the time, "I'm looking for book recommendations featuring a protagonist that- (fill in the blank) is homosexual, is a man, is a strong female, is a minority, is asexual, is a redhead, is a single parent, etc. etc." It's even better when readers ask for these roles in their favorite genre.Continue reading "Diverse Reading: Why You Should Not Choose Protagonists Who Look Like You"

PROPaganda, Part 2 of 2

A 2018 documentary called, “Do No Harm: An Opioid Epidemic,” featuring Dr. Andrew Kolodny (to whom I recently wrote an open letter) and “working closely with Dr. Kolodny and PROP“, is a classic propaganda film that’s been influencing a lot of viewers and, therefore, a lot of lives. I viewed this film a few nightsContinue reading "PROPaganda, Part 2 of 2"

Me, My Rights, and I

The Midwest Courier

A Culture of Individualism Without Personal Responsibility Makes for Spoiled Adult-Children

“There’s something unique about the United States, a sense of individual rights and freedoms, and a sense of social and civic responsibility that we contributed to so much of the world. We lost that mission in the 1980s and 1990s, when we entered a gilded age, and the culture of individualism became a culture of avarice.” ~George Hickenlooper

IMG_2108_America_small_watermarkIn America, we value individual freedoms and rights very highly, even passionately. I’ve seen many people on either side of a hotly contested political or cultural fence, still refuse to back a movement, idea, or law that seeks to restrain the personal freedoms of the other side. But in the last 15 years or so, it seems that America has forgotten an important part of personal freedom: Personal responsibility.

My dad has often said that a great part of the many…

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