Does Buprenorphine Really ‘Save Lives’?

Legal disclaimer: Nothing in this post is meant to be construed as medical advice. I am not a physician or pharmacist. Discuss any medications, changes, or questions you might have with your medical provider. Do not suddenly stop any medication unless under the direct guidance of a medical provider. Today was a weird day. WhatContinueContinue reading “Does Buprenorphine Really ‘Save Lives’?”

Williamson, West Virginia and the Opioid Crisis (Fake News Alert!)

Headline: 20.8 Million Pain Pills Flood Tiny Town in WV Let’s talk about Williamson, West Virginia, the little town in Mingo County that has been featured in the news for the past several years as a sort of starting point for the opioid epidemic. According to sources, 20 million (give or take about 1 million)ContinueContinue reading “Williamson, West Virginia and the Opioid Crisis (Fake News Alert!)”

An Open Letter to Dr. Andrew Kolodny

Update 6/27/18: I am overwhelmed by the positive responses I have received for this letter. I would ask that readers also take a look at all the articles and references cited in this piece, and share those as well. Those references go into much, much more detail and research than I have had space orContinueContinue reading “An Open Letter to Dr. Andrew Kolodny”

The Truth About the Opioid Crisis

*This article was originally written in 2015. It has since been updated with new, groundbreaking information and facts. Previously titled, “On Opioids: America’s Drug Addictions and the Wacky Laws that Perpetuate Them.” See also: PROPaganda: Part 1 and Part 2; An Open Letter to Dr. Kolodny; A Rock and a Hard Place; and Strangulation onContinueContinue reading “The Truth About the Opioid Crisis”