Young Adult Fiction and the Youth of a Nation

I’m getting a little tired of YA dystopian novels. They seem calculated only to make money, are highly unoriginal, morally questionable, and full of plot holes. But nobody cares because they are exciting and tell teens yet again, they are super-special (Honest Trailer quote) even before they have done anything. It always boils down toContinueContinue reading “Young Adult Fiction and the Youth of a Nation”

Gone with the Vanity Fair

I’ve been reading Vanity Fair, by William M. Thackery. It is a large, long book and I hesitated to pick it up at first. Still, it is considered a classic, and I have a personal goal to read as many classics as I can. I took a deep breath and began, and have been delightedContinueContinue reading “Gone with the Vanity Fair”

The Bible’s “Song of Songs” vs. T.S. Eliot’s “The Wasteland”

(Originally written November 25, 2009) In contrasting Song of Songs in the Bible to T.S. Eliot’s poem The Wasteland, the nature of desire or passion and its difference from love will be considered in an ancient-versus-modern setting. It may be quite a surprise to many when reading the ancient text Song of Songs, that the strong language and headyContinueContinue reading “The Bible’s “Song of Songs” vs. T.S. Eliot’s “The Wasteland””