Shiny People

I love, and am attracted to, shiny objects. Midnight stars, colorful beads, glassware, crystals, the sun glinting off water. In a similar fashion, much of humanity is attracted to shiny people, but be warned: All that glitters is not gold. Shiny people and their audience tend to trounce logic and reason to the hurt andContinueContinue reading “Shiny People”

The Man Behind the Curtain

As my husband and I discussed the news about Rowan County Kentucky clerk, Kim Davis, who refused to obey the law she vowed to uphold as an elected government official, two main thoughts popped into my head. First, it is a complete travesty of government that she could not be fired for failure to doContinueContinue reading “The Man Behind the Curtain”

The Ideology of Underage Marriages in Conservative Christianity

A Teen by Definition is Not “Mature” *Little disclaimer: By “mature” I mean as physically developed and/or experienced in life as adults. I am not referring to responsibility, which many teens are better at than some adults.  I was just 16 but I knew it was love, and my boyfriend, also 16, and I secretlyContinueContinue reading “The Ideology of Underage Marriages in Conservative Christianity”

On Vaccines: When Private Choices Affect Public Health

Because this is a highly emotional issue, I am going to open with a disclaimer: What I write is not directed at those individuals or families who cannot vaccinate their children/be vaccinated themselves due to diagnosed medical conditions. Measles killed some 2.6 million people each year before vaccination was widespread, according to the World HealthContinueContinue reading “On Vaccines: When Private Choices Affect Public Health”