America’s Codependency Problem

Personal responsibility. There is a crisis-level lack of it in modern American culture. Perhaps the biggest problem is all those who view themselves as mini-saviors or white knights, tripping over themselves to be responsible for others. That is an unhealthy mental/behavioral/relationship condition called, “codependency,” in which one party maintains a narcissistic attitude about the relationshipContinueContinue reading “America’s Codependency Problem”

Diverse Reading: Why You Should Not Choose Protagonists Who Look Like You

People ask online all the time, “I’m looking for book recommendations featuring a protagonist that- (fill in the blank) is homosexual, is a man, is a strong female, is a minority, is asexual, is a redhead, is a single parent, etc. etc.” It’s even better when readers ask for these roles in their favorite genre.ContinueContinue reading “Diverse Reading: Why You Should Not Choose Protagonists Who Look Like You”

Choosing Sides? In the Aftermath of Violence, there are No Winners

In the wake of the Charlottesville, VA protests, one thing has become crystal clear: One side is motivated by fear, which leads to anger, anger to hate. One side throws around emotionally-charged language, calling the other side traitors to America. One side refuses to give any ground, refuses to honestly hear the other side out.ContinueContinue reading “Choosing Sides? In the Aftermath of Violence, there are No Winners”