Choosing Sides? In the Aftermath of Violence, there are No Winners

In the wake of the Charlottesville, VA protests, one thing has become crystal clear: One side is motivated by fear, which leads to anger, anger to hate. One side throws around emotionally-charged language, calling the other side traitors to America. One side refuses to give any ground, refuses to honestly hear the other side out.ContinueContinue reading “Choosing Sides? In the Aftermath of Violence, there are No Winners”

A Rock and a Hard Place: Pain Patients Suffer from Heroin Laws Fallout

See also: An Open Letter to Dr. Kolodny, The Truth About the Opioid Crisis, and Strangulation on Medicine Good, law-abiding people are suffering severely in the fallout from recent state and federal laws. Designed to curb heroin addiction, these laws and prevailing societal views all begin with the false assumption that prescription pain pills likeContinueContinue reading “A Rock and a Hard Place: Pain Patients Suffer from Heroin Laws Fallout”

History Repeats Itself: Yellow Journalism in a “Modern” Age

Yellow journalism is a term that describes the sensationalist, money-generating “news” of what was supposed to be a by-gone era: 1895-1898. As we’ve seen in the recent presidential election, yellow journalism hasn’t gone away, it’s just become digitized. Today we know it as “fake news” or “click-bait”, and its only purpose is to entice readersContinueContinue reading “History Repeats Itself: Yellow Journalism in a “Modern” Age”