On Vaccines: When Private Choices Affect Public Health

Because this is a highly emotional issue, I am going to open with a disclaimer: What I write is not directed at those individuals or families who cannot vaccinate their children/be vaccinated themselves due to diagnosed medical conditions. Measles killed some 2.6 million people each year before vaccination was widespread, according to the World HealthContinueContinue reading “On Vaccines: When Private Choices Affect Public Health”

Me, My Rights, and I

A Culture of Individualism Without Personal Responsibility Makes for Spoiled Adult-Children “There’s something unique about the United States, a sense of individual rights and freedoms, and a sense of social and civic responsibility that we contributed to so much of the world. We lost that mission in the 1980s and 1990s, when we entered aContinueContinue reading “Me, My Rights, and I”

Better Living Through Fewer Vitamins

Last school year my (then) first-grade son had the terrible habit of never washing his hands. We threatened, we cajoled, we grounded him, we went over proper hand-washing and the vital importance of it, but all to no avail (he must get his stubborn streak from his dad). And so our family passed around someContinueContinue reading “Better Living Through Fewer Vitamins”