On Opioids, One Year After DEA Reforms

It’s been nearly one year since my researched article on the heroin epidemic (link) in my city, and I’ve been keeping tabs on the results of the DEA’s new prescription opioid reforms. How have things have panned out for pain patients, and opioid and heroin addicts in the past year? Two years ago, National PainContinueContinue reading “On Opioids, One Year After DEA Reforms”

The Truth About the Opioid Crisis

*This article was originally written in 2015. It has since been updated with new, groundbreaking information and facts. Previously titled, “On Opioids: America’s Drug Addictions and the Wacky Laws that Perpetuate Them.” See also: PROPaganda: Part 1 and Part 2; An Open Letter to Dr. Kolodny; A Rock and a Hard Place; and Strangulation onContinueContinue reading “The Truth About the Opioid Crisis”