I Have Cancer

It’s a frightening thing to say; to admit. And on Valentine’s Day 2019, I learned at my local ER that I have cancer. Chronic myeloid leukemia, to be precise. The same cancer that killed my husband’s grandmother; a version of the cancer that plagues my grandmother now; a cancer that allegedly isn’t hereditary; a cancerContinueContinue reading “I Have Cancer”

Mansplaining is the Biggest Threat to Women’s Healthcare

“You think you have mastered it, but just as you get well underway in following, it turns a back –somersault and there you are. It slaps you in the face, knocks you down, and tramples upon you. It is like a bad dream.” A Young Charlotte Perkins Gilman Just as it was in 1892, whenContinueContinue reading “Mansplaining is the Biggest Threat to Women’s Healthcare”

Does Buprenorphine Really ‘Save Lives’?

Legal disclaimer: Nothing in this post is meant to be construed as medical advice. I am not a physician or pharmacist. Discuss any medications, changes, or questions you might have with your medical provider. Do not suddenly stop any medication unless under the direct guidance of a medical provider. Today was a weird day. WhatContinueContinue reading “Does Buprenorphine Really ‘Save Lives’?”

An Open Letter to Ohio Leaders Concerning the Opioid Crisis

Dear Ohio Leaders,   Last night I voted via absentee ballot, as I have done for the past 3 years since my disability (which impairs my strength, stamina, and mobility) began. I was pleased to see that every leader running for office mentioned their deep and sincere concerns regarding the opioid crisis, which has hitContinueContinue reading “An Open Letter to Ohio Leaders Concerning the Opioid Crisis”

America’s Codependency Problem

Personal responsibility. There is a crisis-level lack of it in modern American culture. Perhaps the biggest problem is all those who view themselves as mini-saviors or white knights, tripping over themselves to be responsible for others. That is an unhealthy mental/behavioral/relationship condition called, “codependency,” in which one party maintains a narcissistic attitude about the relationshipContinueContinue reading “America’s Codependency Problem”