An Open Letter to Dr. Andrew Kolodny

Update 6/27/18: I am overwhelmed by the positive responses I have received for this letter. I would ask that readers also take a look at all the articles and references cited in this piece, and share those as well. Those references go into much, much more detail and research than I have had space orContinueContinue reading “An Open Letter to Dr. Andrew Kolodny”

The Truth About the Opioid Crisis

Originally posted on The Midwest Courier:
Previously titled, “On Opioids: America’s Drug Addictions and the Wacky Laws that Perpetuate Them.”Two years ago, a little silver car sat parked outside our home. As the sun was going down an ambulance, police cruiser, and firetruck suddenly arrived to pull an unconscious young woman with a bobbing ponytail…

Choosing Sides? In the Aftermath of Violence, there are No Winners

In the wake of the Charlottesville, VA protests, one thing has become crystal clear: One side is motivated by fear, which leads to anger, anger to hate. One side throws around emotionally-charged language, calling the other side traitors to America. One side refuses to give any ground, refuses to honestly hear the other side out.ContinueContinue reading “Choosing Sides? In the Aftermath of Violence, there are No Winners”

State Civil Rights Commissions: The New Inquisition? Part 2 of 2

A response to John Corvino, continued from Part 1 The Game of Risk The legal line between small businesses and giant corporations is wide and well established, but anti-discrimination cases like the ones in question, all center around small businesses. Why? Could it be that small businesses are easier for states and state regulatory commissionsContinueContinue reading “State Civil Rights Commissions: The New Inquisition? Part 2 of 2”

State Civil Rights Commissions: The New Inquisition? Part 1 of 2

A response to John Corvino, part 1 of 2. Part 2 is now available here. I saw Mr. Corvino’s humorously-ended video the other night. He makes a case for anti-discrimination laws in regards to privately owned bakeries and other businesses, and to be honest he had me nodding my head in agreement. Right upContinueContinue reading “State Civil Rights Commissions: The New Inquisition? Part 1 of 2”