Choosing Sides? In the Aftermath of Violence, there are No Winners

In the wake of the Charlottesville, VA protests, one thing has become crystal clear: One side is motivated by fear, which leads to anger, anger to hate. One side throws around emotionally-charged language, calling the other side traitors to America. One side refuses to give any ground, refuses to honestly hear the other side out.ContinueContinue reading “Choosing Sides? In the Aftermath of Violence, there are No Winners”

War! What is it Good For?

Peace, love and understanding; Is there no place for them today? They say we must fight to keep our freedom, but Lord knows there’s got to be a better way.  – Edwin Starr, War I was watching a documentary on diets the other night when a European doctor quipped, “Americans love to have an enemy.”ContinueContinue reading “War! What is it Good For?”